FROTHIN' in Byron Bay with Laure Mayer
Frothing, love the Aussie slang
Just stuff I randomly find over the many weird and fun corners of the Internets.
Websites as gardens.
Keep Internet weird you, dong.
Surf it twice a day.
🍏 Browsing twice a day, keep the doctor away.
Frothing, love the Aussie slang
I just love those blues
Look at those films!
Wise words.
look at that board
The subject, the experimentation and the results are just a pleasure to watch
It started with this piece of foil a friend gave me in Berlin; this iridescent kind of foil, and I would put it in front of my lens and make like this double-exposure, colour grade insanity, you know? Later, I found these psychedelic films that kind of produced the same effect with certain cameras that I have, that I know leak light.
Une bonne session, ça peut juste être une lumière.
Love it
De la Bretagne et du T3
An hour of pure joy
Contemplation and idleness. Also agree and identify with a lot in this video
Funny to follow those shaping moments
Creativity is good This is crazy
Two beautiful souls wandering and surfing in South Africa
An ode to noseride
Resist the algorithm
More people seeing something doesn’t make it good or inspiring. It just means they’ve seen it.
Just make stuff
Happiness comes from a lot of things and not from overworking and money
How To Start Platinum Palladium Printing?
Amazing to learn about the other side of Rowley
An amazing friendship story
2:00 2:02
5:27 5:29 5:30 5:32
We are all pro photographers now, at the tap of a finger, but that doesn’t mean our photos are good
the fundamental qualities of new-generation iPhone photographs remain. They are coldly crisp and vaguely inhuman, caught in the uncanny valley where creative expression meets machine learning.
But the best thing surfers can do, whether it’s neoprene or Yulex, is to keep on wearing their wetsuits and getting them fixed, as we all want to be good stewards.
We should bring back mailing each other pictures. I love that
It is the best when you get happy surprises like those
The best is when it is good for us and the planet. Stop destroying the ship.
This is kind of nuts and amazing and weird and perfect
No need to fear the sharks that much I guess. More time to be angry at the SUP folks
Fucking love the idea of 10 things I hate.
So now you know that when seaweeds get stressed, it smells.
A real life never too small episode. I love it.
Weird over boring Ugly over boring
noserides after noserides
Another great one! Drop neoprene!
Self care is important, don’t forget to disconnect and get out of here.
That kind of place to stay
I basically do the same thing using raindrop as a backend for this
It is quite a hard dilemma to me recently about where to put my newsletter
The silhouettes of people came, passed and vanished like they were never there. Only their footprints and welcome greetings a sign that the beach was comparatively busy
You should own your data as much as possible
Always good to remember and focus on what matters. Baby steps
I wanted to find a way to take away the permission I felt I needed from the online world ie. Instagram to create art and express myself without having to fit into one of the prescribed parameters.
If there is a message here then I would say do whatever the fuck you want and try and do it well. I think as a creative who doesn’t want to make stupid videos to post on social media or make things that don’t align with who I am it’s difficult to get recognition and become somewhat of a name in this field.
Trying to analyse moves and stuff… Love those videos. Add the cool music and you get something nice
A French documentary for all the land locked surfers
Loved to hear the little stories behind each song. Or just where it came to Ed
Jazzy music, longboard and super 8
Looking at this road trip for our future adventures in California
DIY and surf, that is the kind of house I do love
A letter to fun freedom
Part historical, part fun surfing
A good chat with Chris Gentile, in French
You’ll spend your whole life trying to solve problems with cleverness when what you really need is wisdom. And you’ll wonder why it never really seems to work.
Amazing critic of modern biking. Should we just slow down?
Almost considering it… Had the Q3 in my hands earlier today and I take back what I said about that big lense
Apprendre à ralentir, se reposer et faire moins
Des doigts de métal dans le ciel
Funny how some brands make a better impression
Love how he explains Latte Art
Japanese surf scene seems so welcoming
What a treat!
creative use of every space in this is crazy And Australian have crazy good cabins
I love the vibe you have in a skate shop. It will never be the same online… Online shopping sucks so much, compared to a good small shop with the right vibe
You can find a community for whatever type of board you ride and whatever kind of surfer you want to be.
Love the art Jeff Canham is doing
I think some brands are doing better. I think they’re understanding that their clients aren’t just 20-year-old super-cute fit girls. There are other women in the world who shop and surf and buy clothes, and we all look different
be less shit be less shit be less shit
Once our Colosseum, Embarcadero is still a pilgrimage site whose poignant beauty rests in a reverie of what once was.
This definitely resonates with me and the few stuff I read about Imsouane recently. Make sure that your tourism money gets to the locals
Tele Novelas but surfing
Tent, triple coffin bag, shameful budget, no plans. This time with a folder full of national curriculum reading books and worksheets too.
Amazing read on how creative makes money. Real people interviews, full of inspiration
Score by score, Raygun’s dancing isn’t actually that bad. Really.
I love this article showing a lot about how easily we judge. And in the end… It was mostly a fun test she did
I do love mono fonts
Road tripping across Baja. Definitely has a feel of old Kerouac and friends
Having less doesn’t mean being less
Let me play it and I will tell you what it is
Always good to see Mike noseriding!
Amazing interviews about how creative folks wear tons of hats and are always on multiple things. Great to hear also that they also need to work for food and so it is not all that glamorous and sometimes a basic day job is needed
There is something about film, it is sharp but it is soft. It has a life in it
Make some zines they said
what if I took a movie like Stand By Me and set it in a place that I know and have it star kids who look and talk and felt like me and my friends,
Patience and knowing your gear. Zen mode like
We need more woman shaper center stage!
Accountability and openness!!
Plywood appartments are the best
They destroyed the village, not the wave
I really hope that Imsouane will be a leading example of how Moroccans could keep the hand on the local spot and move forward. Support local people over gentrification there.
Always carry gummy bears
Fuck yeah, chicken and songs
Documenting people work place, artists and artisans. It is soooo beautiful
Fantastic Acid talking about their craft is quite powerful to listen to. With a cool soundtrack
The yellow submarine and the guide book to how to keep it alive
That band is amazing and good to hear that special performance of the blue album.
Mixing Skateboarding and Ben Harper, this is magical. I wanna see him again and hit the skatepark with him
I would love a trailer like this for days like surf
“Perfection is a direction.” To me, this highlights the importance of not being too precious with individual creations and instead focusing on making improvements along the way.
Great to see the story mostly told by his mom! It is such a powerful video
A really nice success story that breaks some of the classical codes
Espresso and film… I am here for this
There is something about Displacement hulls…
Apprendre le surf et l’eau aux enfants. Chouette écoute! Hate de lire les livres!
Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f/1.5 II
An electoral period is when we have the most power and the biggest voice in politics
All of this with a 8x10 … such dedication to complex street photography
I just watched this surf movie and loved the vibe. The quotes in it are quite beautiful too and just the 16mm film !
All is Impermanent!
I wished I knew this show years ago. Such a great thing to listen to
Tiare is one of those photographers that prefers emotion to perfection. I just love her work!
Being real also means risking to feel really sad. And that is one reason why, so often, we prefer iPads over guitars.
We can just say “no thanks” to technology if it doesn’t make sense to us. New is not inevitable. New doesn’t mean need.
We can say no thanks to AI phone bots but still use ChatGPT to help us understand Aristotle’s Metaphysics in the original. We can be both critical and appreciative of new technology without categorically accepting or rejecting it.
We just stupid but we’ve got soul
Surf, food and Japan… Need nothing else I guess.
Texas has something unique and US houses too. A lot of minimalism just took us to soulless places…
Anything can be done on your own, you just need to watch the right Youtube videos
Collecting books and bins. As long as my toothbrush doesn’t touch the one from my kids,. I should be fine continuing to collect books.
Barbara Bosworth: The Sea
Goofy foot, Imsouane and a few good waves.
Small space and soooo creative. Low how it accomodates a non square place
Hearing people be skeptical is always good. Do not trust and share by default. Inform yourself. It is too easy to fall for the confirmation bias. And even think people agree with you without even reading.
So crazy to see all the little edits made to those analog shots.
Edits are everywhere… And I am still on the side of less of them than more
This is just too beautiful! I love the record collection and all the art everywhere.
Du Beurre Han han han
Colors, then rails, then size, then what ? I forgot but I love that it all starts by how good does it look.
The fat has begun to break down and there’s nothing you can do to make that steam any better.
One quick thing about fat that’s also worth noting is that fat affects flavor release in a drink
generally, milk foams better the further it is from its use by date because it’s the sort of breakdown of these fats that reduce its foam ability. And milk that foams badly or milk that has this issue, you’ll hear it almost fizz in the pitcher afterwards.
No one ever regrets a surf, even in terrible conditions. Some of the most fun comes when expectations are low and the surf surprises us.
I’d rather use fewer things, create some of my own things, and pay for the rest of the things I decide I need to use.
When something’s free, that just means the cost is hidden.
I am all in for those weird vintage fonts from old gaming devices.
I always admire such minimalist small japanese inspired homes. I feel like this is where I would live without my second half of me that is the messy one.
Self compassion, mindfulness & other topics. Made me smile, made me want to cry. Qui aurait cru que je regarderais un podcast par une ancienne miss France.
Des images de surf, de l’amour de soi, cela marche bien sur moi.
Art is complicated and doing it right is even harder. In our consumerist civilisation, it is complex to do something for the sake of something. But I feel like we should be able to.
Doing instead of having
Such a great mantra. Love the way they talk about raising Billy and opening him on the world.
Testing one made me wanna see more about it.
This little marvel is like a Leica to me… it feels right in my hands.
I ain’t an expert but I feel like one when I use it.
When buddies are making a surf movie, I am all in.
I especially love the boards in that video. Would love to try them.
Gimme a band that sounds right and has great cover songs. I can listen to that for ours.
Be at the border of stupidity
“People are so good at what skateboarding is, I wanna be good at what skateboarding is not "
That part about drag, regular and goofy is so clear once you get it described that way
Funny to listen to Joel chatting about all and nothing
surfing as the journey, not always the destination
If we surf to connect, to attempt to decode nature, to be open to the transfer of energy from the sea to ourselves, to carve ourselves out some personal time then surfing is a form of therapy, of meditation, medicine
This is funny to check. I am always amazed by the progress made in image processing and how a computer can understand an image. Turning that to poetry is probably an amazing idea
That kind of game I could spend hours in trying to get all the elements. It is simple, no crazy UI but a crazy good simple UX. And lord I got the surfer. Time to get them all.
You often wonders when the term goofy comes from in surfing and skateboarding? Search no more. It is right here in front of you.
Sometimes, it is freaking cold but you still cannot avoid the ocean’s call
If I was sure of one thing. It is this. iA writer would do the best notebook ever. If they entered the physical world, it would be an object I would love. They proved me right, once again.
I like you better without the Internet
Do a kick flip tenacious D edition
These sites are hidden from our everyday experiences because they are invisible to our internet navigators. Instead, our defaults are hyper-SEOified links where there is no clear person behind the content. When we encounter the kind of content created for a computer-first internet, alarm bells should sound in our heads.
boring as art
elevating the mundane
I downloaded the apps for five minutes each and then I deleted them one by one. I have done this on a number of occasions. Download, swipe swipe swipe, delete. I am left feeling more alone and less inspired.
“Sometimes Live goes where it need to goes”
“The pleasure of the POW” 360 flip
Detach from the expectations of the internet. Take your time with projects because you owe it to yourself to make something original to you. There is no rush.
To desire to keep up with what is going on is nearly impossible in the world we live in. Whether that be the standards set by social media, tricks being done or the temporary styles that come and go. I advise anyone to develop their own relationship with whatever craft they take on.
“I am not where I want to be but I am not where I was”
“I am not different from you, I just learned how to do some tricks”
In real life, skating is an art form that requires constant sacrifice, physical pain and public embarrassment for the sake of an ephemeral few seconds of pure beauty. You have to fall a thousand times before you succeed. The Tony Hawk games aren’t concerned with that. They recreate the iterative satisfaction of skating — the feeling that, with enough practice, you can do something miraculous — without all the concussions, bloody knees and shattered wrists.
I shoot analog for a lot of reasons, but I always jokingly say the main reason is I can’t print a jpeg in my darkroom. I shoot for the print.
I assume most people don’t binge-read my logs, so I have no pressure to perform or narrow my scope like an entrepreneur would.
If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.
That is what the observer-participant dilemma is. We get to a swimming hole and I’m sitting there like, “Do I want to document this or do I want to have fun and swim?” Sometimes you can’t do both. I can’t just leave my camera out in the dirt somewhere while I’m swimming. It’s an either-or situation sometimes. So that’s what I mean, there were times I just ended up participating and not photographing stuff.
Video has been the currency for skateboarding for so long, teams would build up clips to make a video and that was the main goal. And now, everything is just shared on Instagram immediately. It has ruined the whole framework of how skate videos were made, how a lot of companies made money. But that’s really hard to do now because there’s just so much you can see online. People do save up video parts, but then they drop on the Thrasher site for free and people watch, and it feels like it has about a two-week shelf life. I think that’s why people look back to some of those older videos with nostalgia.
The best things to splurge on are the things you use the most. If you sit on a chair eight hours a day, then a nice chair is probably a good investment.
Ultimately, a thought is just a thought – it’s not reality. And we might do well to extend a healthy skepticism toward ones that show up within, especially those gnarly ones that tell us stories about ourselves that are negative or harmful
once you loosen up your brain by coming up with ten bad ideas, some good ideas may follow.
But here’s another thing: we’re not great at judging if an idea is good or bad. So write all of your ideas down. Go back and read through your bad ideas occasionally. Something might surprise you.
Many aspects of our lives are intentionally slow. We have rejected the traditional path, the daily grind, the rat-race and instead opted to try and make a living doing things we love. We do not strive for material wealth, we strive for time in Nature. We live in a world of beauty and wonder, shaped by forces of unfathomable magnitude and we refuse to let society blind us to that fact.
“Simplify your life. Don’t waste the years struggling for things that are unimportant. Don’t burden yourself with possessions. Keep your needs and wants simple and enjoy what you have. Don’t destroy your peace of mind by looking back, worrying about the past. Live in the present. Simplify!” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Les mots de Deleuze…
Amazing pastel colors
Talking to my neighbor about poop felt so much better than being addicted to my phone
Our ideal outcome as a company is not becoming the next Facebook (god forbid), it’s becoming the next Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan, a hot spring hotel in Japan, and one of the world’s oldest businesses (founded in 705 AD).
Nice podcast in French with Naje
Restez en colère, les enfants, c’est votre seule chance.
I’m fine right here is the response from the edge of the room, and that contentment is downright subversive.
Portugal and words about community in a beautiful house, yeah!